Travel Guide

Ngorongoro Attractions

Being a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Ngorongoro Conservation Area is an unparalleled safari destination in Tanzania. While Ngorongoro Attractions offers wildlife and natural beauty, still there are many other fascinating sights to explore.

Ngorongoro Attractions information

The Ngorongoro Crater is the world’s largest unbroken caldera. Famously known as the Garden of Eden, this caldera is formed two million years ago when a massive volcano erupted and collapsed. Once a barren island land, now it is home to a diverse range of animals. Visitors on a Safari In Ngorongoro Conservation Area can easily black rhinos, lions, elephants, buffalo and many more.

The Ngorongoro Conservation Area also includes the Olduvai Gorge, which is considered one of the most important archaeological sites in the world and also a major Ngorongoro Tourists Attractions. It was here that some of the earliest human fossils were discovered, providing important insights into the evolution of humans. Visitors can learn more about the area's history and archaeology at the Olduvai Gorge Museum.

Empakaai Crater is a smaller but equally stunning crater located in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area. It is approximately six kilometres in diameter and is home to a stunning lake that is surrounded by a thick forest. The lake is a breeding ground for thousands of flamingos, which create a beautiful pink hue against the blue water. Visitors on their Tanzania Safari Holidays hike to the crater rim to enjoy the panoramic views of the surrounding landscape.

The conservation area is also home to the Maasai people, who have lived in the area for hundreds of years. Visitors can learn about their traditional way of life and experience Maasai culture first-hand through visits to Maasai villages and cultural tours.

These mysterious sand dunes are constantly moving due to the wind, but they never leave their designated area. The shifting sands are one of the Best Things To See In Ngorongoro.

This shallow soda lake is located in the heart of the Ngorongoro Conservation Area. It is an important breeding ground for flamingos and other bird species. If you’re looking for Birding In Ngorongoro Conservation Area, this is the place to go.

This is a lesser-known crater in the area, but it is just as beautiful as the others. It is a popular spot for hiking and wildlife viewing

The Goi Mountains are also one of the Best Ngorongoro Attractions. Located the on the North–West side of the Ngorongoro Conservation Area, these Mountains have cultural importance. The slopes of the GoI Mountains create a perfect opportunity for wildlife-watching.  This is where you can spot hundreds of Baboons and a variety of bird species.

Apart from all these beautiful attractions, here are other places you can visit during your Ngorongoro Wildlife Safaris. Like, the Lerai Fever Tree Forest, is the perfect place to spot black rhinos. Moreover, these forests' main attraction is the yellow-coloured rare acacia trees.

In recent years, Hot- Air Ballooning has been one of the Best Ngorongoro Attractions. Though this activity is expensive, it is one of the best ways to explore the long-stretched landscapes of Ngorongoro. We highly recommend you the hot-air ballooning in the migration season, when millions of wildebeest pass through the Ngorongoro Conservation Area. Witnessing this wildlife movement from a hot-air balloon is spell-bounding.

Your Tanzania Safari Holidays is incomplete without discovering all these Ngorongoro Attractions.  Apart from all these iconic sights, Ngorongoro Conservation Area has also the highest density of wildlife that you will ever encounter.  From the famous African Big Five to the rare endangered Black Rhinos, you can spot all classic African animals in Ngorongoro Conservation Area.

Top Attractions in Ngorongoro
  • Ngorongoro Crater
  • Olduvai Gorge
  • Empakaai Crater
  • Goi Mountains
  • Lake Magadi

*Ngorongoro Attractions are not just captivating, they’re enlightening too.

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