Ngorongoro Conservation Area is a vast and diverse region located in Tanzania, East Africa. The area is characterized by its spectacular landscape, which includes grassy plains, forests, and volcanic craters. To fully appreciate the vastness and complexity of the Ngorongoro Conservation Area, it is essential to have a detailed Ngorongoro Map that can guide you through the different regions and attractions. If you are planning a Ngorongoro Safari, the Ngorongoro Conservation Area Map is an invaluable resource that can help you explore this magnificent area.
Ngorongoro Conservation Area is located in Ngorongoro District, Arusha Region, Tanzania.
3.2279° S, 35.5075° E
Ngorongoro Conservation Area is located 2286 m above sea level.
8.288 square kilometres
Arusha, which is just 190 km away from the Ngorongoro Conservation Area.
Your Ngorongoro Wildlife Safari begins at the Noduare Gate, which is located on the south side of the conservation area. Then you will head on to the Ngorongoro Crater, the world’s largest unfolded caldera. The Ngorongoro Crater is the perfect place to start your Tanzania Safari Holidays. This is where you can spot large mammals like buffaloes, lions, elephants, rhinoceros and many more.
Ngorongoro Travel Guide has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. Lorem Ipsum.
Will Enlighten You Through the best of Tanzania's sights
chance to experience the country's rich culture and history.
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